Come have breakfast, with our Atlassian Experts!
Want a smarter, quicker and more efficient organization? Let our Experts introduce you to the Atlassian software suite. We’re holding a free breakfast on April 26th, 9 to 10 AM. Register on our Meetup...
View ArticleRemote Apps for Atlassian OnDemand
Since Atlassian released their OnDemand platform, customers have been asking for more plugins to be made available there. Until now, only 7 plugins are offered on the new platform. The current approach...
View ArticleAtlassian Stash – new product, first experience
On may 1st 2012, Atlassian released a new product called Stash. Stash is a Git repository manager. People that know Atlassian would say “Hey, isn’t it the same as FishEye?”. Well no, it’s not the same....
View ArticleJoin our breakfast, meet our experts!
Last april we held our very first breakfast meetup. It was a thorough introduction to Atlassian, Jira and Confluence during a tasty breakfast. Attendees were enthusiastic, apparently learned something...
View ArticleAvisi in Motion.. Graphics
The software business is certainly a complex one. No two companies do exactly the same thing, work the same way or use the same technologies or methods. Therefore, it can be difficult to explain what...
View ArticleAtlassian breakfast meeting
Want a smarter, quicker and more efficient organization? Let our Experts introduce you to the Atlassian software suite. We’re organizing a free breakfast on Thursday, August 23, 9 to 10 AM. Register on...
View ArticleConfluence for the Enterprise
Atlassian is aligning its licensing scheme for Confluence with the one for Jira. Jira Enterprise was introduced February 2012, adding support for large enterprises to the standard Jira offering. Now...
View ArticleMats Stijlaart on plugin frameworks
This is the next post in our series about the interns that currently work at Avisi. This time we introduce Mats Stijlaart. The Atlassian plugin framework is used on several projects to enable seamless...
View ArticleAtlassian software – OnDemand or Hosted?
This blogpost is meant for you to decide when to choose for a hosted Atlassian suite or when to choose the OnDemand feature Atlassian offers. Let me first explain both. OnDemand So what is this...
View ArticleMeet the new JIRA: JIRA 6 available today!
Modern. Fast. Mobile. Simple. JIRA 6.0 is a completely new JIRA. The redesigned look and feel brings a whole new user experience to JIRA. It is modern and simple, clearing away the clutter so that you...
View ArticleAvisi @ Atlassian Summit 2013
Avisi is attending Atlassian Summit in San Francisco this week. A week full of announcements, meeting other add-on vendors and experts and talking to users of the products. It will be an exiting event!...
View ArticleSummit 2013 announcements
Today was the big day for Atlassian Summit 2013 with the opening keynote where all the big announcements were made. Co-founders and co-ceo’s Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes traditionally open...
View ArticleIntroducing Confluence Questions
Interruption It happens a lot, you get interrupted by questions from fellow colleagues by chat, by email or just them walking by. It’s normal honestly, you have answers and they need to know. But what...
View ArticleHipChat! Easy communication
Atlassian Hipchat is a Private Group Chat and IM Service. It allows you to communicate within rooms, get build status notifications, send files, use on any device and much more. Communication How do...
View ArticleTrends at Devoxx 2013
Every year there is a large (mostly Java related) software engineering conference in Antwerp Belgium, named Devoxx. Together with several Avisi engineers we visited Devoxx to learn about new...
View ArticleConfluence 5.4 released
Confluence 5.4 Yesterday, December 3rd, Atlassian released Confluence 5.4. The main highlight of this new minor release is better integration with JIRA and JIRA Agile. JIRA, in combination with JIRA...
View ArticleA closer look at our Confluence Add-ons
About Confluence Collaboration, sharing, discussions, documents, knowledge, wiki, intranet. These are some of the keywords people use when talking about Confluence. Confluence started out as a...
View ArticleCombine JIRA Service Desk and Confluence Team Calendars
Read on to find out how combining JIRA Service Desk and Confluence Team Calendars makes requesting time off easier than ever… JIRA Service Desk One of the newest additions to the Atlassian product...
View ArticleJIRA Service Desk 2.2 – Improved but incomplete
A new version of JSD was released yesterday and it’s clear it is gaining in maturity with every release. Here are some highlights of the new version 2.2. Allowing multiple customers to follow and...
View ArticleJIRA Administrator training (4 maart)
Bent u JIRA aan het ontdekken of heeft u het gevoel dat uw organisatie meer uit deze tool kan halen? Neem dan deel aan onze JIRA Administrator training op 4 maart! Op deze trainingsdag leren wij u alle...
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